Information in English

1 000 cyclists along the same route simultaneously will inevitably affect traffic conditions. The safety of the cyclists is our prime concern. In cooperation with the police and the Highways Department a number of measures will be implemented to regulate traffic on the day of the race. Diversions, road closures, and reduced speed limits are the most important. On this page information can be found about where and when the regulations will be implemented as well as answers to a variety of questions.
Should you have other queries, please contact us at clt@kck or by phone, 90675980 (race director).

Time: 06:00 – 10:00

All northbound traffic will be diverted from Rv 9 at the roundabout at Mosby. The diversion follows Fv 405 via Vennesla and Fv 403 through Iveland, as shown in the map link below.  Traffic will be directed back onto Rv 9 at Kilefjorden.

See map...

Time: 08:00 – 12:00

All northbound traffic will be diverted from Rv 9 at the roundabout at Byglandsfjord.  The diversion follows Fv 305/304 west of the Byglandsfjord. Traffic will be directed back onto Rv 9 just north of Storstraumen. The cyclists follow Rv 323 east of Åraksfjorden from Storstraumen to Ose.  All traffic and cyclists will thus follow different routes the whole distance between Byglandsfjord and Ose.

See map…

Time: 09:00 – 14:00

During the race the speed limit through Ose will be temporarily reduced to 50 km/h in both directions. Motorists are requested to be especially aware of cyclists cycling singly or in groups across Ose bridge and back onto Rv 9.

During the entire race Ose bridge will be closed to all traffic  from Rv 9 eastwards.  All traffic to Åraksbø/Austad follows the southward diversion  along  Rv 9 to Storstraumen, then Fv 323 northwards towards Åraksbø/Austad.

See map…

Time: 11:00 – 14:00

All northbound traffic will be diverted from Rv 9 to the centre of Valle. Exists west and north of Valle to Rv 9 will be closed during the same period. This closure will be organized by the police. Only authorized vehicles will be let through to travel northwards on Rv 9. Traffic from Dalen in Telemark will not be affected. Nor will Rv 9 be closed in a southerly direction.

Se map…

A large number of people travel to Hovden in connection with the Color Line Tour. Friends, family and acquaintances like to meet up with their loved ones, perhaps assist them along the route with food and drink and cheer them on. Others are simply curious. Also, many larger groups and voluntary associations travel in their own buses and caravans.

After Valle the cyclists’ speed slows down, and groups of cyclists start overtaking one another. It is during this stage of the race that queues of cyclists and vehicles tend to build up, which in turn increases the risk of accidents happening. By closing the road at Valle, this danger is minimized.  Anyone going to Hovden will get there, all it takes is patience and a little planning.

Color Line Tour has participants at all levels of performance. Some cycle the whole distance in 10-12 hours, while the fastest do it in less than 5 hours, which means an average speed of more than 40 km/h. On flat stretches these amateur supercyclists may go as fast as 50-60 km/h.  Motorists wishing to overtake should be especially aware of this. Such rows of cyclists may be as long as 30-40 meters, sometimes longer.

Except for the closure at Valle, the Color Line Tour takes place on a public road open to ordinary traffic. The Road Traffic Act applies during the race as at all other times. It is the duty of all users of the road to provide aid to people and animals who have suffered injury, and generally be of assistance whenever an accident has occurred. Fortunately, during the race police and ambulances as well as qualified medical staff are available along the route to provide quick and effective assistance. If personal injuries are involved, call the police at their emergency number, 112. Should you witness other incidents or have questions relating to the management of the race, you are welcome to call us at the race management office, 92344154.

The first cyclists set off at 05:00, the last around 09:00. Participants are assigned places in approximately 45 starting groups of varying size and levels of performance.

Officially the race is not over until the last cyclist has crossed the finishing line at Hovden, but after  4 p.m.  few are still on the road. Traffic restrictions are to be expected at the following times:

Evje: 07:00 – 10:30

Bygland: 08:00 – 12:00

Valle: 10:00 – 14:30

Bykle: 11:00 – 15:30

Hovden: 12:00 – 17:00